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Brow lift surgery

What is it?

Brow lift surgery is performed to lift up eyebrows which have sagged downwards (brow ptosis). It is usually combined with upper blepharoplasty.

Brow ptosis is a common occurrence with the onset of ageing. It does not usually become obvious until there is lateral hooding of the eyelids. Lateral hooding of the eyelids tends to cause a tired appearance and an aged appearance to the facial expression.

This lateral hooding can also cause vision to be partially obscured at the upper outer corner of the eyes. This is usually not apparent to the individual until the hooding sags further down to obscure the vision at the sides.

This condition tends to occur earlier in men than women, as men generally have a lower brow position.

How is it done?

There are many types of brow lift surgery:

1. Internal browpexy

A technique combined with upper blepharoplasty whereby sutures (stiches) are placed to hold up the eye brow from its undersurface. It uses the same incision of the upper blepharoplasty and does not need a separate incision. Usually recommended for those with milder cases of brow ptosis.

2. Temporal brow lift

An incision is placed next to the hairline at the temple area. Tissue is thereafter dissected downwards to the outer brow. Sutures are lastly used to lift up the outer brow.

Usually recommended for those mild to moderate brow ptosis.

3. Direct brow lift

A direct incision above the eye brow line usually recommended for those with moderate to severe brow ptosis.

4. Endoscopic brow lift

Two incisions are created at the hairline on each side and a midline incision. Usually recommended for moderate to severe brow ptosis.